Journal Publications
S. Hong, Y. Lee* and W. Park* (2024). Evaluating the delivery of physical activity for people with developmental disabilities using an online knowledge translation approach: Part 1 – web accessibility. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 19(8), 2925-2933. DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2024.2322637
Y. Jeong, G. Lee, D. Beck and W. Park* (2022). Effects of driver personal variables on preferred vehicle interior components setting. International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, 30(1). DOI: 10.23055/ijietap.2023.30.1.8495.
W. Park*, D. B. Chaffin and B. J. Martin (2002). Modifying Motions to Avoid Obstacles. SAE Transaction: Journal of Passenger Car - Mechanical Systems, 110.
Conference Presentations
[International Conferences:]
Kim, S., & Park, W. (2024, August). Impacts of Non-Driving-Related Task Interface Design on Time Changes of Motion Sickness Severity and Task Performance During Fully Autonomous Driving. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Online First). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Sohn, M., Hong, S., Kim, N., Jeong, S., & Park, W. (2024, August). Effects of Glass Transmittance, Font Brightness and Font Size on Text Legibility in LCD Home Appliance Interface. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Online First). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Hong, S., Kim, H., Ahn, J., & Park, W. (2024, August). Impacts of Disability Duration and Physical Activity Level on Wheelchair Propulsion Strategies in People with T12/L1 Spinal Cord Injury. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Online First). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Kim, S., & Park, W., (2024, April). Exploring the Impacts of NDRT Interface Modality Design on Occupant’s
Situation Awareness and Perceived Sleepiness During Automated Driving. In The 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Korea.
Hwang, K., Ryu, J., Sohn, M., Kim, T., Lee, H., Moon, P., & Park, W., (2024, April). Effects of augmented reality instruction type on small-part assembly task performance: comparing younger and older workers. In The 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Korea.
Hyun, S., Lee, H., & Park, W. (2024). Modelling visual perception and affective responses of in-vehicle display vibration. 2024 IEA. (Jeju, Korea).
Ryu, J., Moon, P., Hwang, K., Lee, Y., Paio, Q., Yoon, S., Park, J., & Park, W. (2024). Impact of Augmented Reality Visualization Technique on Brain Activation Patterns and Task Performance in Assembly Tasks. 2024 IEA. (Jeju, Korea).
Kim, K., Hwang, K., Jeong, S., Lee, H., & Park, W. (2024). Effects of augmented reality head-mounted display visual references on postural stability of construction workers in environments with limited visual references. 2024 IEA. (Jeju, Korea).
Lee, Y., Kim, S., Yang, J., Kim, S., & Park, W. (2024). Metrics for Comprehensive Evaluation of Vehicle Motion Sickness. 2024 IEA. (Jeju, Korea)
Hong, S., Sohn, M., Kim, N., Jeong, S., & Park, W. (2024). Effects of glass transmittance, lighting luminance, and font size on home appliance legibility: LED display. 2024 IEA. (Jeju, Korea).
Sohn, M., Hong, S., Kim, N., Jeong, S., & Park, W. (2024). Factors Affecting Text Legibility on LCD Interfaces of Home Appliances. 2024 IEA. (Jeju, Korea).
Kim, S., Hwang, K., Kwak, Y., & Park, W. (2023, September). Effects of NDRT interface display and control modalities on motion sickness during autonomous driving. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 893-894). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Hong, S., Park, J., & Park, W. (2023, September). Co-Designing an Accessible Gym: Inviting ‘Others’ to the Public. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 2095-2100). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Moon, P., Lee, E., Yoon, S., Lee, H., Hwang, K., Ryu, J., Jung, J. (2023). Effects of augmented reality control method on task performance and subjective experience during order picking. The 25th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium and
International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics/ The 64th Conference of Japan Human Factors and Ergonomics. (Chiba, Japan)
Park, W., Park, K., Ryu, J., Hwang, K., Kim, S., Song, Y. (2023). Effects of crease features on crease visibility and goodness of smartphone foldable display. In: Shuichi Fukuda (eds) Affective and Pleasurable Design. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 71. AHFE International, USA.
Ryu, J., Beck, D., & Park, W. (2022, September). Comparative Evaluation of Twelve Automotive CMS Display Layout Designs in Two Lane Change Task Scenarios. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 872-876). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Chung, H., & Park, W. (2022, September). Training Older Adults to Use Public Information System: Effects of Medium and Instruction Type on Training Efficacy. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 2278-2279). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
Moon, H., & Park, W. (2020, December). Evaluating Postural Risk Level of Digitally Represented Workplace: Analyzing Postural Possibilities. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 64, No. 1, pp. 872-873). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
S. Kim and W. Park (2018). Determining driver’s most preferred seat positions though preference mapping. In 19th the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2018). (Hongkong, China).
S. Hyun and W. Park (2017). A User-Centered Gesture Vocabulary Design for the Comfortable and Efficient Commanding of a Running Machine System. In 18th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2017). (Jogjakarta, Indonesia).
H. Jeong, H. Lee, M. Lee, S. Baek, T. Yoo, Y. Lee and W. Park (2016). Development of a Posture Identification System to Prevent Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders for Sedentary Workers. In The 18th International Conference on Industrial Engineering (IJIE 2016). (Seoul, Korea).
M. Son, H. Jeong, H. Yang and W. Park (2015). Evaluating physical discomfort associated with prolonged, repetitive use of gesture: a comparison of subjective rating protocols. In 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2015). (Melbourne, Australia).
D. Beck, M. Lee, K. Kim and W. Park (2015). An investigation on the optimal positioning of invehicle side-view displays: a comparison of five alternative display arrangements. In 19th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2015). (Melbourne, Australia).
D. Hwang, M. Son, J, Jung, H. Park and W. Park (2015). Helping Design Students Enhance Design Performance: Utilizing Data-based Design Principles. In The 11th International Conference on Technology Education in the Asia Pacific Region (ICTE 2015). (Hong Kong).
M, Son, D. Hwang, J. Jung and W. Park (2013). Human centered gesture vocabulary design for gesture based interaction. In 17th International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice (IJIE 2013). (Busan, Korea).
[Domestic Conferences:]
정성우, 김강원, 박우진(2024) 등지지 착용 로봇의 효과성 평가를 위한 인체 시뮬레이션 기반 모델. 2024 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회
윤소정, 박우진(2024) 설명 가능한 AI (XAI) 알고리즘 평가를 위한 평가 지표 분석: 델파이 연구. 2024 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회
김태현, 박우진(2024) 전신 진동 중 AR 정보 제시 방법이 읽기 능력에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구. 2024 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회
홍산, 박우진, 이현영, 손민준, 윤소정(2024) XR이 여가의 대안이 될 수 있는가? 이동 장애인의 여가 실패 요인 분석 및 XR 콘텐츠 가능성 탐색. 2024 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회
김남희, 박우진(2024) 비전 통합 LLM 기반 자율주행 보조 시스템 개발 및 인간 중심 평가. 2024 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회
김태현, 김성민, 손민준, 장지웅, 박우진(2024) 스크린 기반 시각적 비운전과업 중 멀미 저감을 위한 시각 신호 제공 방법: 문헌 연구. 2024 한국음향학회 추계학술발표대회
홍산, 박경화, 박우진(2024). Developing User-Centered System Design Guidelines for Explainable AI: A Systematic Literature Review. 2024 한국정보과학회.
홍산, 박경화, 박우진(2024). A Systematic Literature Review of Human-Centered Evaluation Constructs for Explainable AI. 2024 한국정보과학회.
김성민, 김태현, 손민준, 장지웅, 박우진(2024) Changes in the time profile of motion sickness during autonomous driving: with respect to motion sickness susceptibility and interface design. 2024 한국음향학회 춘계학술발표대회
이윤진, 김성민, 양재식, 김성현, 박우진(2024) 자동차 멀미 저감 기술 평가를 위한 멀미 지표 개발. 2024 한국소음진동공학회 춘계학술대회
홍산, 김현지, 안주은, 박우진(2023). 척수장애인의 장애 기간과 스포츠 경험에 따른 휠체어 추진 전략: 사례 연구. 2023 대한생체역학회 & 한국운동역학회 공동 학술대회
박기현, 이윤진, 김성민, 박경화, 윤소정, 양재식, 김성현, 박우진(2023). A Study on the Impacts of Electric Vehicle Longitudinal Deceleration Profile on Motion Sickness of Passengers. 2023 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회
김강원, 황기태, 박우진(2023). 전투 하중이 가해진 전투 조끼를 착용한 전투원의 소총 사격 능력과 자세 균형 간의 관계. 2023 대한인간공학회 추계 학술대회
유정민, 문필준, 이윤진, 박경화, 윤소정, 박우진(2023). Assessing the Impacts of AR Visualization Mode on Cognitive Load During an Assembly Task: An fNIRS Study. 2023 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회
황기태, 김강원, 정성우, 이현영, 문필준, 박우진(2023). The effect of HMD based AR on postural sway during a mentally demanding task with quiet standing. 2023 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회
현수민, 윤서연, 조민우, 송승민, 최성욱, 황동욱, 박우진(2023). Investigating visual perception and affects of in-vehicle element vibration. 2023 한국음향학회 춘계학술대회
이윤진, 박기현, 김성민, 박경화, 윤소정, 김성현, 양재식, 박우진(2023). 전기차 주행 중 가감속에 따른 탑승자 멀미 발생 연구. 2023 한국소음진동공학회 추계학술대회
문필준, 정혜선, 이은서, 윤서연, 황기태, 유정민, 박경화, 윤소정, 이현영, 박우진(2023). Effects of head-mounted display based augmented reality control method on user experience during order picking. 2023 대한산업공학회 춘계학술대회
윤서연, 박우진(2023). The effects of object mass and handover location on preference and perceived safety during robot-to-human handover. 2023 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회.
김강원, 박우진(2023). A study on the design of the Shoulder-Fired Anti-Tank Guided Missile system: The effects of weapon mass on visual working memory task performance and soldier workloads. 2023 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회.
황기태, 박기현, 이은서, 김성민, 이상혁, 박우진(2023). 운전자 경험 설계를 위한 인간-굴착기 상호작용 모델 개발. 2023 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회.
이은서, 문필준, 이윤진, 윤서연, 송영희, 박우진(2023). 사용자 경험의 구성 개념 파악 및 정의 도출에 대한 연구. 2023 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회.
김성민, 박우진(2022). Three different schemata for organizing empirical design knowledge: supporting design ideation and education. 2022 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
박기현, 박우진(2022). Effects of Alarm Modality and Modality Shifting on Dual Task Performance of Working Memory Retention and Alarm Detection. 2022 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
이은서, 박우진(2022). Effects of smart speaker’s visual feedback modality on user experience during multitasking situation. 2022 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
황기태, 문필준, 유정민, 이윤진, 이욱재, 이은서, 박우진(2022). System modelling of Non-Fungible Token Marketplace. 2022 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
이욱재, 박우진(2022). Using a smart chair to analyze sitting postures of chronic low back pain patients: a machine learning approach. 2022 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회.
이상혁, 박우진(2022). Experimental study on the decision-making errors of vehicle drivers with vision blocking situation. 2022 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회.
황기태, 박우진(2022). Effects of virtual screen type on motion sickness during an NDRT in a highly automated vehicle. 2022 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회.
곽영관, 박우진(2021). An investigation on the relationship between motion sickness susceptibility and visuospatial ability factors. 2021 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
김성민, 박우진(2021). Effects of NDRT interface design on NDRT performance and motion sickness during autonomous driving. 2021 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
반가영, 문필준, 박우진(2021). The Effects of NDRT Touchscreen Location on Driving and NDRT Performance in a Highly Automated Vehicle. 2021 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
정이훈, 정해석, 한두원, 문필준, 박우진(2021). Obesity effects on cognitive performance immediately after physical task. 2021 대한산업공학회 추계학술대회.
정혜선, 박우진(2021). Training material design for helping older adults use touchscreen interfaces: an integrative literature review. 2021 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회.
유정민, 백동현, 박우진(2021). Effects of camera monitor system display design and driving situation on driver workloads. 2021 대한산업공학회 춘계학술대회.
박기현, 박우진(2020). Effects of concurrent cognitive tasks on the performance and stress during a physical task. 2020 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
한두원, 문필준, 박우진(2020). Effects of Medium and Content of Autonomous Vehicle Product Description on User Trust and Product Information Transfer. 2020 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회.
문하윤, 문필준, 박우진(2019). Comparative evaluation on visual display locations during manual and speech-based IVIS interactions. 2019 대한산업공학회 추계학술대회.
박주희, 문필준, 박우진(2019). A comparative evaluation of take-over request (TOR) displays: mini-map versus arrow. 2019 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회.
백동현, 박우진(2019). 차량 내 사이드-뷰 디스플레이 배치에 대한 인간공학 연구. 2019 대한산업공학회 춘계학술대회.
백동현, 박우진(2019). 카메라 모니터 시스템 관련 인간공학 연구 문제. 2019 대한산업공학회 춘계학술대회.
유택범, 이해현, 현수민, 박우진(2018). Effect of Information Coding on the Utility and Usability of Input Language Display Cursor. 2018 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
정이훈, 이귀현, 박우진(2018). The effects of drivers' physical characteristics on preferred vehicle interior components setting. 2018 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회.
박기현, 박우진(2018). Gender Effects on Perceived Discomfort during Static Posture Holding. 2018 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회.
김수경, 박우진(2017). A Review on Robot Motion Legebility for Human-Robot Interaction. 2017 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
최병현, 박우진(2017). Computer Usage in Group Idea Generation: an Observational Study. 2017 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회.
손민석, 박우진(2016). Effects of Physical Loading on Working Memory Performance. 2016 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
정재문, 박우진(2016). A Method for Evaluating a Product's Accommodation Level Based on Users' Most Preferred Product Configuration Data. 2016 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
이해현, 이윤진, 박우진(2016). Determining Eye Blink Rate from Sitting Behavior and Computer Activity Data. 2016 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
유택범, 이해현, 박우진(2016). Evaluating the Utility of a New Mouse Cursor Displaying Input Language Mode. 2016 대한인간공학회 춘계학술대회.
조창래, 박우진(2015). Handedness Effect on Preferred Windows Arrangement. 2015 대한산업공학회 추계학술대회.
정해석, 박우진(2015). The Effects of Obesity on Joint Kinematics during Manual Lifting. 2015 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
이민호, 황동욱, 정재문, 백승원, 조창래, 박우진(2015). 기술적으로 연관된 타 도메인 제품들을 활용한 Brainstorming. 2015 춘계공동학술대회.
백승원, 황동욱, 손민석, 정재문, 박우진(2014). Brainstorming and Bodystorming as Gesture Vocabulary Design Methods: a Comparative Study. 2014 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.
백동현, 황동욱, 손민석, 정재문, 박한준, 박주희, 박우진(2013). A Review on Techniques for Evaluating Physical Stresses Associated with the Use of Various Input Devices. 2013 대한인간공학회 추계학술대회.